My husband and I were not given a set of “Blue-prints” for marriage. That would have been nice! And of course I wish I had one to give you. But I can give you what I value more than a set of plans or quick tools. While quick tools helps for a while, this alone keeps you returning to counseling. I offer you what I’ve learned over 30 years of marriage that has included raising five children. I also offer you a proven technique in my professional practice of working with couples. In addition, you have my firm dedication to keep learning and staying current.
With an MA degree in Counseling from Cornerstone University and a license in Clinical Pastoral Counseling, I’ve been trained with the highest ethical counseling standards that exist to help couples. The basis of my professional training and education exists in Attachment Science, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Creation Therapy.
Saying this with humility and sincerity, here’s what I know: We all hurt the people we love out of our own love wounds somewhere. Here’s what I’ve seen: Couples married 2 years to 45 years solve deep-rooted relational problems through the hard work of counseling. Here’s what I believe: God’s love for you is unfathomable and so your relationship matters to. And here’s what I promise: I will never give up on helping you Not Give Up.